Samsung plasma TV screen self-test method sharing - Home Appliances

Probe domestic switch needle KG-300K needle head diameter is 3.0mm normally open switch needle
Brand AVX TPSE226M035R0125 Low impedance tantalum capacitor AVX 22
Electronic scale crystal oscillator 3.2*2.5mm 3225 16M (16.000MHZ) 12PF 10PPM 20PPM 30PPM
MOS power IC full range

Samsung 42 inch
1. Samsung S42SD-YD04 (V2) screen self-test (1) Short-circuit CN802(3)GND and (4)PS-ON pin on the power board (2) Dial SW2001 on the logic board to (1) (3) ), under (2) (4); return to normal working mode after self-test (1, 2, 4, 3)
(3) Disconnect the main board and use the connecting cable to turn on the AC 220V voltage. The screen displays the normal white field signal, indicating that the components on the screen and the screen are normal.
The power board is repaired separately: short the CN802(3)GND(4) PS-ON pin on the power board, short the VS-ON and D5V, and connect the 100W bulb on the VS as the dummy load to detect the output of each group on the power board. Voltage.
2. Samsung S42SD-YD05 (V3) self-test (1) Short-circuit JP8005 on the power supply board (2) Set the SW2001 toggle switch on the logic board to (1)(3), (2)(4) After the self-test, return to the normal working mode (1, 2, 4, 3)
(3) Disconnect the main cable from the main board and turn on the AC 220V voltage. The screen displays the normal white field signal, indicating that the components on the screen and the screen are normal.
The power board is separately repaired: short the CN9004(3)(4) pin on the power board or short the JP8005; short the VS-0N and D5V or short the JP8002.
3, Samsung S42SD-YD07 (V4) screen self-test (1) short the CN8007 (3) GND and (4) Relay pin on the power board (2) short circuit the CN2034 (3) (4) pin on the logic board ( 3) Disconnect the motherboard and use the connection cable to turn on the AC 220V voltage. The screen displays the normal white field signal, indicating that the components on the screen and the screen are normal.
The power board is repaired separately: short the Realay board on the power board or short the CN8007(3)(4) pin, and short the VS-ON and D5V.
4, Samsung S42SD-YD09 (V5) screen self-test (1) short the power board CN8003 (3) GND and (4) Ps-ON feet (from the bottom up)
(2) Short the CN2034(3)(4) pin on the logic board (short-circuit left and right)
(3) Disconnect the main board and use the connecting cable to turn on the AC220V voltage. The screen displays the white field, indicating that the components on the screen and the screen are normal.
Power board separate maintenance method: short the PS-ON on the power board to the ground; short the VS-ON and D5V
5, Samsung S42AX-YD01 screen self-test (1) Short-circuit the 3 (GND) pin of CN8007 on the power board socket with the 4 (Relay) pin; short-circuit the CN2072 socket on the logic board (2) to turn on the AC 220V voltage. The screen displays the normal white field signal, indicating that the screen and on-screen component components are normal.
The power board is separately repaired: short the CN8007(3)(4) pin on the power board; short the VS-ON and D5V.
6, Samsung S42AX-YD02 screen self-test
(1) Connect the 8 (PS-on) pin of the CN8003 socket on the power supply board to 9 (GND);
(2) Short-circuit the 3 pin and 4 pin of the CN2072 socket on the logic board (3), disconnect all the connecting cables on the main board, turn on the AC 220V voltage, and the screen displays the normal white field signal, indicating the screen and the screen. The component components are normal.
The power board is separately repaired: short the CN8007(3)(4) pin on the power board (ie PS-ON is shorted to ground); short the VS-ON and D5V
7. Samsung S42AX-YD03 screen (1) Short-circuit the PS-ON on the power board to the ground (2) Short-circuit the CN2013 socket on the logic board in the horizontal direction (3) Disconnect all the connecting cables of the main board. Through the AC 220V voltage, the screen displays the normal white field signal, indicating that the screen and on-screen component components are normal.
Separate maintenance method for the power board: short the PS-ON on the power board to the ground; disconnect the VS-ON from the D5V
8. Samsung S42AX-YD05 screen self-test (1) Short-circuit the CN8003(3)(4) pin on the power board [ie PS-ON and ground short]
(2) Short the CN2007(3)(4) pin on the logic board (short-circuit in the horizontal direction)
(3) Disconnect all the connecting cables on the main board (4) After the power is turned on, the screen self-checking screen will appear. Nine kinds of screen saver screens are separately repaired by the power board: CN8003(3)(4) on the power board Short-circuit, short the VS-ON and D5V.
9, Samsung S42AX-YD09 screen self-test
(1) Disconnect the main unit's connecting cable.
(2) Short the (2) pin (PS-ON) and (3) pin (GND) of CN801 on the power supply board.
(3) Short the CN2007(3)(4) pin on the logic board.
Separate maintenance method of the power board: short the (1) (3) pin (PS-ON and ground) of CN801 on the power supply board, VS-ON and 5.3V
10. Samsung S42AX-YD11 screen self-test (1) Short-circuit (1) PS-ON and (4) GND pin of CN801 on the power supply board (2) Place the socket next to F2000 on the logic board (no bit number) ( 3) (4) Short-circuit the foot (3) Disconnect all the cables on the main board. After power-on, the screen will appear self-testing. The power board is separately repaired: short-circuit the PS-ON on the power board to the ground; VS-ON Shorted to 5.3V
11, Samsung S42AX-YD12 screen self-test (1) short-circuit the (1) (5) foot of CN801 on the power board;
(2) Short-circuit the (3) (4) pin of CN2007 of the logic board (3) Disconnect all the connecting cables on the main board. After power-on, the screen will appear self-testing test screen. Power board separate maintenance method: PS-ON and Short circuit; short VS-ON to D5.3V
12, Samsung S42AX-YD13 screen self-test (1) short the (1) (5) foot of CN801 on the power board;
(2) Short-circuit (3) the foot of CN2007 of the logic board (3) to disconnect all the connecting cables on the main board. After power-on, the screen will appear self-testing. Picture screen. Power board separate maintenance method: PS-ON and Short circuit; short VS-ON to D5.3V
13. Samsung S42AX-YD15 screen self-test (1) short the (1) (5) foot of CN801 on the power board;
(2) Short-circuit (3) the foot of CN2007 of the logic board (3) to disconnect all the connecting cables on the main board. After power-on, the screen will appear self-testing. Picture screen. Power board separate maintenance method: PS-ON and Short circuit; short VS-ON and D5.3V two, Samsung 50 inch
1, Samsung S50HW-YD01 screen (used by PT5016 machine)
(1) Short the CN8002(3)(4) pin on the power supply board (PS-ON is shorted to ground)
(2) Short-circuit the CN2012 on the logic board (3) Disconnect the motherboard. Use the connection cable power board to separately repair the method: short the PS-ON on the power board to the ground; short-circuit the VS-ON and D5V
2. Samsung S50HW-YD02 screen (1) Short the (3) (4) pin of CN8003 on the power supply board; (PS-ON is shorted to ground)
(2) Short the CN2007(3)(4) pin on the logic board; (VS-ON is shorted to D5V)
(3) Disconnect the power cable from the main board using the connecting cable. Repair the PS-ON to the ground; short the VS-ON to the D5V.
3. Samsung S50HW-YD09 screen with YD02
4. Samsung S50HW-YD11 screen (1) short the (1) (4) pin of CN801 on the power supply board; (PS-ON is shorted to ground)
(2) Short the socket (no digit) (3) (4) on the logic board next to the socket (3). (3) Disconnect the power cable from the motherboard using the connecting cable. Maintenance method: VS-ON on the power board Short-circuit with ground; short-circuit PS-ON and D5V
5. Samsung S50HW-YD13 screen self-test (3) PS on ground (4) VS-on connected to D5V
(5) Change the jumper power board on the logic board. Individual maintenance method: short the VS-ON on the power board to the ground; short the PS-ON and D5V
6. Samsung S50HW-YD15 screen self-test with YD13
Power board separate maintenance method: short PS-ON to ground; short circuit VS-ON and D5.3V
7. Samsung S50HW-XD02 screen self-test (1) Disconnect the main board to the logic board (2) Set the toggle switch on the logic board to (1)(4)(5); (2)( 4) (6); [Normal state is (2) (4), (1) (3) (5) (6)]
(3) Self-checking power supply board can work independently when power is turned on twice: short VS-ON to ground, short circuit PS-ON and D5V
8. Samsung S50HW-XD03 screen self-test (1) Disconnect the main board to the logic board (2) Set the toggle switch on the logic board to (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) (6)下 [normal state: (1) (3); (2) (4) (5) (6)
(3) Self-test can be realized by powering on twice.
Power board separate maintenance method: short the VS-ON on the power board to the ground; short the PS-ON and D5V



Jingjiang Gisen Technology Co.,Ltd ,

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