H7 four-generation Platinum Edition: massive online video settings humane

The main function of the smart box is to watch TV. Then what kind of advantages does the purchase of the Haimeidi H7 four-generation platinum version have?

Haimeidi H7 four-generation Platinum Edition has a genuine license from CIBN licensees, integrates 2 million hours of free video resources from Tencent videos, hits dramas, homemade dramas, cinematic screenings, Hollywood movies, popular variety shows, sports events, etc. Updates, also have NBA broadcast resources (see broadcast and live broadcast); In terms of user experience, the vast majority of online video definition is 1080P, some of the new films also have 4K source! Click on the middle of the screen "CIBN Video" can enter Tencent's broadcast control platform. From the bottom of the channel classification can enter different content categories, such as Tencent transfer of proprietary Champions League and NBA resources.

Video address: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk4NDc2NjkxMg==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1

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