
主题: 技术
台厂 明纬(MEAN WELL) 继陆续推出金属铝质机壳机种(CLG家族)与塑质绝缘外壳LED电源供应器系列机种(PLN、ELN、LP家族)之后,为满足低价需求与可内置于LED灯具系统内之应用,明纬于LED电源产品线新增了基板型(open frame type)类别的新产品系列,命名为PLP家族。

PLP-30/60为30W/60W额定输出之LED专用电源,本产品具备90~264VAC的宽输入范围,并内建有主动式功率因数矫正(PFC)功能,可满足PF>0.9及欧盟EN61000-3-2对于谐波电流要求之Class C等级(于输出负载>75%之情况下),符合一般照明相关应用之需求。

为了达成照明类规范于功率因数上的要求及满足低价位LED照明/装饰灯市场,本产品在线路设计上运用单级PFC架构,以最经济的方式达成高PF值的要求。另外,PLP-30/60的最高工作效率可达89%,故可仅利用自然风冷散热满载工作于-30~+60℃,最高环温70℃,合乎灯具系统密闭式操作环境之高环温需求。而输出电流可藉由内建之可变电阻调整于75~100% 额定电流之范围,大大增加了系统设计之弹性。其他之标准功能包含短路保护、过载保护、过电压保护等。PLP-30/60系列在移除机壳与微型化基板(4”*2”)设计下,非常适合用于不需要电源外壳或内置于LED灯具系统内之场合,典型的应用包含LED照明、LED电子看板、LED装饰用电源、LED舞台灯等。


内建主动式PFC,符合谐波电流EN61000-3-2 Class C要求(75%负载以上)
保护功能: 短路、过负载、过电压保护
尺寸(长*宽*高):101.6*50.8*23mm (30W);101.6*50.8*28mm (60W)

Zcash Mining Machine

Zcash Mining Machine:Bitmain Antminer Z15,Innosilicon A9 ZMaster,Bitmain Antminer Z9 Mini,Bitmain Antminer Z11,Innosilicon A9++ ZMaster,Innosilicon A9+ ZMaster,Bitmain Antminer Z9

Zcoin is a digital currency that aims to create a truly anonymous method of trading.

One big obstacle to Bitcoin's emergence as an electronic currency is that all its transactions are visible on a public blockchain. As a result, Bitcoin's interchangeability has been controversial. Some people or companies (mainly exchanges) will not accept bitcoins for certain addresses. Such scrutiny runs counter to Bitcoin's core philosophy.

Zibo is the latest attempt to create a currency that can be verified without knowing the input and output of a cryptographic signature. This is called a zero-knowledge proof. DASH and Monero are two other digital currencies that are also trying to solve the same problem using different encryption methods.

The whole world is buzzing about zeros. A lot of people respect the Zibo development team. They have received investments from prominent Bitcoin venture capital firms such as Pantera, Distributed Capital, and Digital Currency Group. Bitcoin luminaries such as Roger Ver, Erik Voorhees, Barry Silbert, and Li Xiaolai have invested in Zcoin out of their own pockets. Confirmation bias is an important factor in why investors choose one project over another. If the leading players in the bitcoin industry are investing, it must be a good thing, right?

Unfortunately, Zcoin did not issue an initial currency offering (ICO) to investors. ZEC is the three-digit currency code for zerocoin. ZEC will initially be mined, just like Bitcoin. But unlike Bitcoin, which was full of unknowns when it was first launched, ZEC's founding block is a high-profile one. ZEC prices have skyrocketed because of extreme demand.

Zcash Mining Machine,Z15 antminer,antminer z11,zec Asic miner,zmaster

Shenzhen YLHM Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.apgelectrical.com

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